The only time I really cringed was when I saw the woman getting shot while pleading for help. By the time I found the video and watched it, much of the shock value was gone for me. I also found a article that featured screenshots of the video, which gave me an idea of what to expect if I ever decided to watch it. When news of the shooting broke, I read as much news articles as I could, and I followed the timeline of events and all the eyewitness accounts.

Therefore, I avoided any unexpected surprises when it came to encountering the video.

I didn't have social media back then, and I got my news straight from the sources rather than from there. When I first heard about the shooting, I was absolutely shocked to learn it had been livestreamed, since that obviously had never happened before with a mass shooting. I am quite fortunate to have been well-prepared by the time I decided to check out the video for myself. Violations of these rules will result in a permanent ban. Do not post false or misleading statements related to a mass killing. No misinformation (and/or disinformation).Do not post personally identifying information. No Personally Identifiable Information.Do not advertise for your own projects unless given permission by the moderators. Do not repeatedly make low effort posts or otherwise spam the subreddit. Doing so violates our no glorification rule. Do not refer to the number of victims of a mass murder as a "high score".You must be mature and responsible when using this sub.Do not post content related to conspiracies around occurrences of mass killers. Do not post articles related to political causes such as for/against gun-control legislation, political affiliation, etc. Gifs without informational content will be rejected. No inappropriate humor, eg politically motivated or otherwise.Do not share links to the Christchurch or the Halle livestreams or ask for them in any way.This includes having profile pictures with references to mass murderers or offensive usernames. The purpose of this sub is to discuss the crimes, psychology, and motivations of people who have committed mass killings, not to glorify them. Do not glorify mass killers/mass murderers.Individuals who attempt a mass murder are also allowed. A mass killer is defined as a single individual who commits a crime such that 3 or more individuals are killed in a short period of time, usually in the same physical space. Posts must reference mass killers/mass murderers - or "spree killers".You must be 18+ to participate in r/masskillers.